The Barry Plant Group is Victoria’s number one real estate franchise, selling more properties than any other real estate group in Victoria. They have over 80 offices and focus on providing exceptional customer service.
I was approached by the Barry Plant Group and their agency Starship to develop the digital component of their advertising campaign based on the 2013 Australian federal election. The campaign urged the ‘undecided’ Australian population to ‘choose’ Barry Plant and appeared on radio, billboards and other press.

Billboard image by Starship
The digital component was a branded competition micro site, where people could go into the draw by voting for the ‘budgie smugglers’ (Tony Abbott) or the ‘boomerang’ (Kevin Rudd).
I recruited the extra services of Joel Eade to help bring the designs and concepts, created by Starship, to life in time for the federal election.
Project Requirements
- Responsive WordPress theme development including jQuery site structure
- Responsive, animated and real time poll results
- Animations for ‘budgie smugglers’ and ‘boomerang’
- Competition entry and winner’s draw functionality
- Integration with MailChimp mailing list